Actually yes, that could make sense. The system has 128M of physical
RAM. I take it that the live CD pools space from this in order to
populate the executables. That would leave me with lesser RAM for
whatever stuff I do. And to top this all, I simply ASSUMED that 'mkswap
/dev/hda2' ensures that swap is configured for use; never realized that
I had to do a 'swapon -p 1 /dev/hda2' :(

Interestingly however, I do not recollect the LFS book mentioning the
'swapon' routine before unpacking and installing the packages when
using the liveCD. I'll give it a shot and let you know how it goes.

Thanks for the input.

--- "Justin R. Knierim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Srinath M wrote:
> >I think it might be what Andrew says or simply, my drive lens or
> some
> >component is not cooperating. I checked the specs on the cdrom. For
> my
> >Thinkpad 390X, 'crn-8241b-(sm)' is the model/unit number or whatever
> >for the CDROM hardware.
> >  
> >
> How much memory do you have?  You can always try again, this time
> adding 
> your swap partition from your hdd (assuming you made one already).
> If not formatted, then "mkswap /dev/hdXX"
> and then "swapon -p 1 /dev/hdXX"
> Just trying to be sure you aren't running out of memory or something.
> Justin
> -- 
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Srinath Madhavan

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