--- Georg Schinnerl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> then use the following command to write this bootsector into a file
> "dd if=/dev/hdb5 of=/root/boot.lnx bs=512 count=1"
> copy the file "boot.lnx" to your windows partition and add a line 
> similar to the following to your "boot.ini"

that's how i dual-booted XP and Fedora4. i've done that this time as
well, but it's not working.  i won't dwell on it, though, as it's off
topic for this forum.  thank you nonetheless for the advice.

Alan Lord wrote:
If your BIOS allows you to select which disk to boot from (mine offers
menu at boot time if I press F8) you can install grub on hdb without
having to overwrite your windows bootloader which is on hda."

Thanks for -reminding- me about this.  I hadn't thought to try that. 
Doing so allowed the grub loader to work its menu magic.  So yesterday,
I got a glimpse of my linux system booted from a rescue floppy, and
today I got to see a GRUB menu for the first time. :-D

One thing I noticed in doing this, was that my hard drives were swapped
in grub, but not once the LFS Operating System took over.  What I mean
by that is that where LFS's hda was grub's (hd0) and hdb was grub's
(hd1), after I changed the boot priority in my BIOS, hda (the windows
drive) was grub's (hd1) and hdb (linux) was (hd0) according to the grub
rescue floppy disk.  Once I had booted LFS, however, my slave drive was
still hdb and my original master drive was still (by process of
elimination) hda.  I hope I didn't confuse anyone by saying that.

I intend to play around with the rescue floppy to figure out exactly
what menu commands I need to add to get grub to boot both OS's, and I
will probably overwrite the MBR... eventually.  Then I'll be FREE!

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