Hello World!
I've installed bind as described in BLFS and have done for years; it's
never given me any problems and speeds up browsing. It's normally the
only nameserver I need so I have only needed 1 line in /etc/resolv.conf:


However, I recently found I am unable to open pages at www.nhs.uk in
Firefox. /var/log/sys.log has lines like this:

Jun 15 16:22:05 eccles named[911]: network unreachable resolving 
'www.nhs.uk/A/IN': 2001:503:ba3e::2:30#53
Jun 15 16:22:07 eccles named[911]: network unreachable resolving 
'nsa.nhs.uk/AAAA/IN': 2001:7fe::53#53

The 2001:503:ba3e::2:30#53 bit makes me suspect that the problem is
something to do with IPv6; I think that named only works for IPv4 as I
have an IPv4 connection. To work out what could be wrong I downloaded
google's namebench and it has suggested a couple of nameservers to add
to /etc/resolv.conf so it now looks like this:

nameserver         # Google Public DNS-2  
nameserver    # OpalTelecom G/TalkTalk GB  

With these nameservers I can now browse pages at www.nhs.uk but I'm not
happy with this solution. I'd rather fix bind so it works properly. Can
anyone give me some pointers as to how I can debug/fix the problem?

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