On Mon, 2011-06-20 at 12:00 -0500, Mike McCarty wrote: 
> Interesting. I have more faith in my own code than I do in others'.
> You apparently trust others' works more than you do your own.

It's more that I see automated testing as being for the developer's
benefit - so when writing code, it's essential to have tests a) covering
as much of the code as possible, and b) passing reliably. That's
important, because if I make a change and break something else, *I'm*
the one who has to explain that to a customer. And that's not fun. It's
my reputation on the line.

As to trust, it's more that I assume that other developers have their
own standards, and if they're willing to call something a stable
release, they've done the work to ensure they have confidence in it. And
if they haven't, well - what confidence should I have that their
automated tests are useful?


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