On Sun, 2013-01-27 at 18:34 +0100, Armin K. wrote:
> Hello, I have taken some time to write a howto for LFS + Systemd.

Thanks for taking the time to do this.  FYI, there's also a hint at


> I don't need any more rants like "Why the hell would I want 
> systemd/dbus/libcap/expat/whatever on my system" - It's your system your 
> rules man, no one ever said I want to put these instructions in the 
> book. Just a howto for people who want to try Systemd (and maybe profit).

I understand Bruce's (and other's) objections to Systemd; I shared a lot
of them for a while too.  However, I'm now starting to sway over to the
Dark Side (TM) myself.  I'm considering creating a Systemd branch of
LFS, and don't mind maintaining that alongside the mainline, sysvinit,
trunk of LFS.  Whether or not it will ever get merged, I'm not sure, but
I certainly think that Systemd is mature enough that having it available
in the form of a full version of the book, that can be built
automatically via jhalfs, will help people try it out for themselves.



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