On 12/31/2013 12:37 AM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> Frans de Boer wrote:
>> Dear reader,
>> While building things again, I now start to wonder why LFS let almost
>> every package installs a static library? Where are the static libraries
>> used?
>> After all, the down side of static libraries is that once linked into a
>> module/program, any upgrade is not incorporated. Potentially leaving
>> modules/programs vulnerable to manipulation.
>> It is listed that only a very few use some static libraries and others
>> are not mentioned. I know, disk space is not an issue nowadays, but
>> still it needs to be maintained and dependencies are not listed anyhow.
>> Can someone shed some light on this issue?
> See
> http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/stable/introduction/libraries.html
>     -- Bruce
Thanks to all responders,

Yes, it was mentioned in the BLFS documentation - I knew I had seen it 
somewhere - and will follow the suggested course - applying '.hidden' to 
static libraries and associated .la files. Thus, in due course I can 
learn which module/program is really using static libraries.

After all, LFS is also here to learn from.

Regards, Frans.

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