On Sat, Apr 29, 2017 at 01:35:54AM -0500, Rob wrote:
> Last year I heard that M$ was including a Ubuntu-based subsystem in its 
> Windows 10 product. I wasn't sure this was actually going to work very well, 
> but apparently it does.
> Can this be used to build LFS? I'm not sure it can because of the ext* file 
> systems you would need, but i'm curious nonetheless.

The lack of ext* filesystems sounds a bit fatal - you would need to
create an LFS filesystem which could eventually be booted, and I
can't think of any 'doze filesystems which work well enough to do
that.  But the proof of the pudding is in the eating, and perhaps
you could create an fs first, from a live CD - seems like a waste of
time that could be used for other things, but if it scratches your
itch them feel free to burn cycles on it.  All sorts of experiences
which are ultimately futile can have a learning component ;)

I live in a city. I know sparrows from starlings.  After that
everything is a duck as far as I'm concerned.  -- Monstrous Regiment
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