On Thu, 28 Jun 2018 16:06:00 +0800
Xi Ruoyao <r...@stu.xidian.edu.cn> wrote:

> Now I only use "initrd" directive to update CPU microcode and fix the
> buggy ACPI DSDT of my laptop (another sad story).


If you are also inclined to allow firmware to be contained within the
kernel, the microcode part you can achieve via the 

kernel config options under Device Drivers > Generic Driver Options.
CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE points to microcode file within the given
CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE_DIR= path. Though you'll have to rebuild the
kernel though if the microcode file ever changes, of course.

And as there now seems to be several people who suffer with the
ACPI DSDT driver bug, you guys should make sure upstream is aware
of the problem, if they aren't already.

There is also a recent kernel option, acpi=copy_dsdt that attempts to
fix bad DSDT tables. It might be worth a try if you haven't done tried
it already.



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