On 11/27/19 11:07 AM, Pierre Labastie wrote:
Le 27/11/2019 à 06:05, Xi Ruoyao a écrit :
On 2019-11-26 14:56 -0600, Douglas R. Reno wrote:
On 2019-11-26 14:39, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
On 11/26/19 1:27 PM, Xi Ruoyao wrote:
On 2019-11-26 12:54 -0600, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
On 11/26/19 9:30 AM, Xi Ruoyao wrote:

But on Arch (and some other distributions) non-login bash
/etc/bash.bashrc before .bashrc.  The environments in
pollute the LFS building environment.  For example, on Arch,
(set in .bash_profile, should be '\u:\w\$ ') would be
(become `[\u@\h \W]\$ ').

With the exception of PS1, is there anything else in
that interferes with the lfs user's environment?  We could
the PS1 issue by adding

PS1='\u:\w\$ '

to our .bashrc.

On Arch Linux it also sets $PROMPT_COMMAND, and then sources
/usr/share/bash_completion/bash_completion (!).

We could also add a note for the user to check the contents of
/etc/bash.bashrc and, if needed, move it out of the way.

Also, I wonder if using

exec env -i HOME=$HOME TERM=$TERM PS1='\u:\w\$ ' /bin/bash --

would disable sourcing /etc/bash.bashrc.

No.  I tried that.

I found a solution with Google:


      exec env -i ENV=$HOME/.bashrc \
          HOME=$HOME TERM=$TERM PS1='\u:\w\$ ' /bin/bash --posix


      set +o posix
      set +h
      umask 022
      # .... (same as LFS book)

"--posix" will start POSIX mode and disable rc file
loading.  Then we
use "ENV=$HOME/.bashrc" to tell bash to load our .bashrc
file.  At
use "set +o posix" in .bashrc to exit POSIX mode.

That looks good.  I don't have a system that uses /etc/bash.bashrc
I can't test it.  If you say it works for you, I'll add it.

It works for me (at least on Arch).


Also, I am running into an issue I haven't noticed before.  On my
existing system if I try to log in as user lfs with .bash_profile
it automatically starts bash and then puts it into the background.

# su - lfs
[1]+  Stopped                 su - lfs
# jobs
[1]+  Stopped                 su - lfs
# fg
su - lfs

The rules in the book work OK as .bash_profile is not present when
initially change to user lfs and then we source
.bash_profile.  That

It could have something to do with PAM and su, but I'm not
sure.  Has
anyone else seen this?

   -- Bruce

Yes I have, it's happening on Debian 10 and on LFS now. I'm not sure
what's causing it

I've seen this on LFS.  Not sure the reason.

I see this on a fresh install of debian 10, but not on debian unstable, which
I have installed long ago, but that I update every day. So, it must be some
config somewhere, that has not been updated on unstable.

Concerning /etc/bash.bashrc on debian:
it begins with:
[ -z "$PS1" ] && return

so we could do something like (not tried):
exec env -i HOME=$HOME TERM=$TERM PS1="" /bin/bash

and then set PS1 in .bashrc

That may work for debian, but I think it is not generic enough for the book.

  -- Bruce

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