On 2019-11-26 07:44 -0700, Flareon Zulu wrote:
> Correct me if I'm wrong: doesn't the system bashrc always load before
> the user's home bashrc loads? And
> from just what I remember, the lfs bashrc re-initializes the
> environment anyway. So, why move from Arch just
> because of load order on bashrc?

/etc/bashrc won't be loaded automatically.  It is loaded by ~/.bashrc,
with something like

    if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
      source /etc/bashrc

(see section "The Bash Shell Startup Files" in BLFS book.)

But in Arch, bash was built with an option telling bash to load
/etc/bash.bashrc automatically before ~/.bashrc.

Oh I'm not moving from Arch.  I just move /etc/bash.bashrc away and
then move it back after LFS Chap. 5 :).  I heard another distribution
also has this issue but I can't recall which one.
Xi Ruoyao <xry...@mengyan1223.wang>
School of Aerospace Science and Technology, Xidian University

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