On 5/24/20 12:27 AM, Ken Moffat wrote:
On Sun, May 24, 2020 at 04:11:53AM +0100, Ken Moffat wrote:

This is LFS r11848 cross-chap5 branch from 13th May and I'm trying
to understand why tests fail (although I don't always achieve any

So, I gave vim's tests another try, but they failed somewhat badly:

Executed:  2667 Tests
  Skipped:    47 Tests
   FAILED:     3 Tests

         From test_excmd.vim:
         Found errors in Test_redir_cmd():
         function RunTheTest[40]..Test_redir_cmd line 20: command did not fail: 
redir! > Xfile
         From test_help.vim:
         Found errors in Test_helptag_cmd():
         function RunTheTest[40]..Test_helptag_cmd line 20: command did not 
fail: r-xr--r--
         function RunTheTest[40]..Test_helptag_cmd line 31: command did not 
fail: -w-------
         From test_quickfix.vim:
         Found errors in Test_switchbuf():
         function RunTheTest[40]..Test_switchbuf line 131: Expected 'split' but 
got ''
         function RunTheTest[40]..Test_switchbuf line 136: Expected 'usetab' 
but got 'useopen'
         function RunTheTest[40]..Test_switchbuf line 141: Expected '' but got 

I didn't have any older versions of vim handy, but looking at the
9.1 book we were using vim-8.2.0190, so I downloaded that.  With
gcc-10.1.0 it too fails, although not quite as badly:

Executed:  2407 Tests
  Skipped:    49 Tests
   FAILED:     1 Tests

        From test_quickfix.vim:
        Found errors in Test_switchbuf():
        function RunTheTest[40]..Test_switchbuf line 131: Expected 'split' but 
got ''
        function RunTheTest[40]..Test_switchbuf line 136: Expected 'usetab' but 
got 'useopen'
        function RunTheTest[40]..Test_switchbuf line 141: Expected '' but got 

Hmm, my local copy of the book shows vim is now 8.2.0716 but
I can't see that in the changelog.

And then I noticed that at some point I accidentally started running
the tests as root, which obvously isn't going to help.

With 8.2.0716 the tests run as user nobody take a very long time,
and eventually terminate, probably early, with

        Flaky test failed too often, giving up
        Found errors in Test_textprop_with_syntax():
        Run 1:
        function RunTheTest[39]..Test_textprop_with_syntax[15]..VerifyScreenDump line 58: See dump file difference: call 
term_dumpdiff("testdir/failed/Test_textprop_syn_1.dump", "testdir/dumps/Test_textprop_syn_1.dump"); difference in 
line 1: ">(+0&#ffffff0|a|b|c|)| @69"; difference in line 2: "|~| @73"; difference in line 6: "@57|1|,|1| 
@10|A|l@1| "
        Run 2:
        function RunTheTest[39]..Test_textprop_with_syntax[15]..VerifyScreenDump line 58: See dump file difference: call 
term_dumpdiff("testdir/failed/Test_textprop_syn_1.dump", "testdir/dumps/Test_textprop_syn_1.dump"); difference in 
line 1: ">(+0&#ffffff0|a|b|c|)| @69"; difference in line 2: "|~| @73"; difference in line 6: "@57|1|,|1| 
@10|A|l@1| "
        Flaky test failed too often, giving up

I found a gentoo post along the way, about problems with gcc-10
including vim where somebody had a crash, related to vim NOT
applying its normal -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=1 because the gcc major varion
now has two digits, not one :
[ https://trofi.github.io/posts/213-gcc-10-in-gentoo.html ]

Unfortunately, my logs show that the versions of vim which I have
tried DO enable that.

I'di then taken a look at fedora, who are using 8.2.0806 with
gcc-10.1, although I don't think they run vims testsuite.  Latest
when I looked was 8.2.0814.  That too appears to take for ever to
run its tests, eventually ending similarly to 8.2.0716.

If you'll excuse my klatchian (or even if you won't!) "Sod this for
a game of soldiers!".

I grabbed a copy of vim-8.2.0814 and built it in chroot using Chapter 6 instructions. It did hang on me during tests.

To see what was going on, I removed the directory and re-extracted/re-built vim. Then I tried:

su nobody -s /bin/bash -c "make test"

It hung again but gave a message:

VIMRUNTIME=../../runtime ../vim -f -u unix.vim -U NONE --noplugin --not-a-term -S runtest.vim test_startup.vim --cmd 'au SwapExists * let v:swapchoice = "e"' > /dev/null
Error detected while processing /etc/vimrc:
line    4:
E484: Can't open file ../../runtime/defaults.vim
line   10:
E484: Can't open file ../../runtime/syntax/syntax.vim
Press ENTER or type command to continue

So I typed ENTER and it continued.  I got:

Executed:  2858 Tests
 Skipped:    48 Tests
  Failed:     0 Tests


I do have ./runtime/syntax/syntax.vim and ./runtime/syntax/syntax.vim, but I don't know what directory the system was in when I got the hang.

I did have /etc/vimrc installed since I had installed vim earlier.

I suppose I can remove /etc/vimrc for the tests and try again, but that will have to wait until tomorrow.

  -- Bruce

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