On 2/19/21 9:02 AM, Thomas Seeling wrote:

is it possible to query the "breadcrumb" of a grub boot process?
Is there a query function that I can use to find out how my system got

Use a single boot partition and install grub to use that.

I can understand the rationale and the bigger picture for the recommendation 
but I'd like to better understand the inner workings of grub.
This is the main reason why I asked.

I'm doing devops for lots of machines where I can't change the boot layout (big 
company, policies, governance etc.).
Most of them really have 2 partitions (similar to the concept of Android A/B 
emmc layout).
I want to find out the boot process breadcrumb to be sure where things are 
getting installed to.

The problem is the way grub finds it's cfg file and modules. If the systems use msdos partition tables, the location is buried in the first 31.5 KB of raw disk sectors. If it is using GPT, it is in the BIOS boot partition which is usually a 1 MB raw/unformatted partition.

I believe there is a capability to set a chainloader in the default cfg file. See https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub/html_node/Chain_002dloading.html, but I've never used it.

  -- Bruce

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