Hi Jose,

>Bob, I can't pity your s..., but maybe you can take pity on mine.

No that's a pity...

>I am doing dvb decoding as well, and I have the problem that
>sometimes, the mpeg2 decoder does not find the parameters (wxh, pixel
>format etc). I saw in your previous post this flags. Could you explain
>what issues did they solve?

Well, I think any of the ffmpeg maintainers could do a much better job than I 
at explaining these parameters, but as far as I have figured it out:

>   gContext->workaround_bugs = FF_BUG_AUTODETECT;

This attempts to detect problems introduced into the mpeg stream by known bugs 
in various third-party encoders (Micro$oft, etc.)  AUTODETECT means that you 
don't which encoder was used to produce you stream, so let libavcodec attempt 
to autodetect known bugs.  There are other flags that are third-party 
encoder-specific that you can use if you know that you will always be working 
with a specific encoder that has known bugs.

>   gContext->error_concealment = FF_EC_GUESS_MVS;

This tells the decoder which method (there's seems to be two currently,) to 
conceal errors. One is DEBLOCK and the other is the GUESS_MVS, above.

>   gContext->error_recognition = FF_ER_CAREFUL;

Tells the decoder how strict it has to be in detecting errors. CAREFUL is the 
most relaxed setting.

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