I'm not sure libav is the place to look for this sort of
post-processing functionality. This is the sort of question I would
expect to see on a mailing list for shaders, particularly pixel
shaders, or a graphics API like OpenGL.

On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 12:56 AM, Gilles Maire <gilles75...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Might seem incredibly simple, but it's actually not, because how do
>> you decide which pixels to keep and which to add? Simple filters do
>> overlay-add, which means black pixels are considered "zero" and white
>> "one", and then you "add" the signal of each color component in each
>> pixel up. Obviously this only works in lab situations (e.g. think of
>> microscope images in green/red/blue channel, adding them up gives a
>> color image, as in Nature papers etc.), it would double the brightness
>> of the background.
>> More subtle filters set a background detection in one image and make
>> that transparent and then add only the opaque pixels up into the other
>> image. That's very complex however. This kind of stuff is what
>> Photoshop (and the GIMP) do for you, I don't think FFmpeg has such
>> filters yet.
> HI Ronald and thank for your answer
> I don't want to overlay the images but put one beside the other...
> Are you speaking about overlay ?
> Many thanks for your answer
> Gilles
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