João Henrique Freitas writes:
 > the_longlong: in:-9223372036854775807  out:0<<
 > the_ulonglong: in:9223372036854775807 out:0<<

I've confirmed this problem on a Debian box. The following logs
demonstrate the poblem. I've included only relevant lines.

@Mariusz: I see these problems both in the sqlite and the
sqlite3 driver. Both seem to suffer from the same problem.

sqlite3 on FreeBSD:

Library information:
        Current:        1
        Revision:       0
        Age:            1
        Version string: libdbi v0.9.0-pre1

Driver information:
        Name:       sqlite3
        Filename:   /usr/local/lib/dbd/
        Desc:       SQLite3 database support (using libsqlite3)
        Maintainer: Markus Hoenicka <>
        Version:    dbd_sqlite3 v0.9.0-pre1
        Compiled:   Apr 22 2009

Successfully connected!
        Using database engine version 30611 (numeric) and 3.6.11 (string)


the_longlong: in:-9223372036854775807 out:-9223372036854775807<<
the_ulonglong: in:9223372036854775807 out:9223372036854775807<<
the_float: in:3.402823466E+38 out:3.402823e+38<<
the_double: in:1.7976931348623157E+307 out:1.797693e+307<<
the_datetime: in:'2001-12-31 23:59:59' out:2001-12-31 23:59:59
the_datetime_tz: in:'2001-12-31 23:59:59 -10:00' out:2002-1-1 9:59:59
the_date: in:'2001-12-31' out:2001-12-31
the_time: in:'23:59:59' out:23:59:59
the_time_tz: in:'23:59:59-10:00' out:9:59:59

sqlite3 on Debian:

Library information:
        Current:        1
        Revision:       0
        Age:            1
        Version string: libdbi v0.9.0-pre1

Driver information:
        Name:       sqlite3
        Filename:   /usr/local/lib/dbd/
        Desc:       SQLite3 database support (using libsqlite3)
        Maintainer: Markus Hoenicka <>
        Version:    dbd_sqlite3 v1.0-pre2
        Compiled:   May  6 2009

Successfully connected!
        Using database engine version 30509 (numeric) and 3.5.9 (string)


the_longlong: in:-9223372036854775807 out:0<<
the_ulonglong: in:9223372036854775807 out:0<<
the_float: in:3.402823466E+38 out:3.402823e+38<<
the_double: in:1.7976931348623157E+307 out:0.000000e+00<<
the_datetime: in:'2001-12-31 23:59:59' out:2001-12-31 0:0:0
the_datetime_tz: in:'2001-12-31 23:59:59 -10:00' out:2001-12-31 0:0:0
the_date: in:'2001-12-31' out:2001-12-31
the_time: in:'23:59:59' out:0:0:0
the_time_tz: in:'23:59:59-10:00' out:0:0:0

There is quite obviously some sort of platform-dependence at
work. While everything seems fine on my development platform, the
performance on Linux is less than desired. As I haven't seen any
complaints about the mysql or pgsql drivers on Linux lately I assume
these are driver problems, not libdbi problems. I'll investigate.


Markus Hoenicka
(Spam-protected email: replace the quadrupeds with "mhoenicka")

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