
I am listing and will do some tests too.

The libdbi tests framework needs to work with cgreen version bundled
with libdbi.


On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 4:51 AM, Markus Hoenicka
<markus.hoeni...@mhoenicka.de> wrote:
> Toby Thain <t...@telegraphics.com.au> was heard to say:
>> I am having trouble building cgreen, either the bundled version b1
>> or latest from sf.net, b2.
>> I create a cgreen-build directory and in it, cmake ../cgreen && make
>> But the cgreen.h header file is not created, etc, and nor would it
>> be installed by make install.
>> What am I missing? The header is required for 'make check'.
> I've just tried to build the CVS revision on Cygwin, and that doesn't
> work either. It used to work on my FreeBSD box though. The cgreen.h
> header file is present, but not where it is supposed to be, or maybe
> the -I setting of Makefile.am is incorrect. I'm wondering whether I
> screwed something up when importing the cgreen folder into CVS. João,
> are you listening? Could you please review the cgreen folder in CVS?
> I'll also look into that tonight.
>> I reviewed the mysql script. When you refer to 'database cluster', I
>> assume you mean an entire instance that can be set up, tested, and
>> torn down, correct?  -- Not just a schema in an existing instance.
>> (Which is of course easier.)
> Yes. The "cluster" thing may be Postgres terminology, but you got the
> point. The idea is that most database engines use a default username
> and password right after initial setup which makes it easier to run
> automated tests. If you try to run the tests in an existing instance,
> you'll have to ask for the credentials which is not possible during
> automated tests.
> regards,
> Markus
> --
> Markus Hoenicka
> http://www.mhoenicka.de
> AQ score 38
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