The SecDev Group has released a study of Internet censorship and surveillance 
in Turkmenistan.  The  report was commissioned and financially supported by the 
Open Society Foundations.  It is posted on the ONI Website , and can also be 
downloaded from here

Neither Here Nor There: Turkmenistan’s Digital Doldrums


Turkmenistan is slowly emerging from decades of darkness. President Gurbanguli 
Berdymukhamedov has vowed to modernize the country by encouraging the uptake of 
new technology for economic development and more efficient governance. Hundreds 
of thousands of Turkmen citizens are now online. However, the country faces 
serious challenges as it prepares to go digital. Infrastructure is primitive, 
and public access is enforced by a state monopoly. Slow speeds, exorbitant 
pricing, and technological illiteracy all constitute major hurdles. A new study 
from the SecDev Group highlights the ambivalent policies and practices that 
have left Turkmenistan mired in the digital doldrums, torn between its desire 
to join the worldwide web and its compulsion to control cyberspace.
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