Nice reply, sorry was sleeping, then woke up and got the chainsaw out and 
started clearing trees again:) Haters gonna hate;)

On Sun, 24 Mar 2013 11:08:42 +0100, Yiorgis Gozadinos <> wrote:

> On Mar 24, 2013, at 01:11 , Steve Weis <> wrote:
> > Hi Yiorgis. The Crypho web page says:
> > "No-one can access your data, either in transit or when stored — Not even 
> > Crypho staff or the government."
> > 
> > Yet, you acknowledge that "we are aware of the potential problems of 
> > serving JS [Javascript]", meaning it's trivial for your staff or a 
> > government to compromise the Javascript code and cause it to leak plaintext 
> > data. 
> > 
> > Even the authors of the Stanford Javascript Crypto Library (SJCL), which 
> > Crypho "uses solely", say that it's not feasible to secure:
> > "Unfortunately, [SJCL] is not as great as in desktop applications because 
> > it is not feasible to completely protect against code injection, malicious 
> > servers and side-channel attacks." (
> Hey Steve,
> Thanks for bringing this up. We are aware of the js crypto controversy and it 
> is a challenge for us as we are trying to make crypto more approachable.
> On the technical side, like I said, we will try to address the issue of 
> trusted js by implementing apps as well as explore ways of asserting the 
> authenticity of served js. Open-sourcing the client code will certainly help 
> in auditing. There are other things we put in place to help, CSP, 
> Strict-Transport-Security and X-Frame-Options headers for example or a proper 
> SSL setup.
> These cannot guarantee of course that we haven't overseen things, but our 
> hope is that gradually we can build trust on our app.
> Now, similar issues exist of course on networked desktop apps just as well. 
> Nobody can guarantee that malware will not eavesdrop on you, and it is pretty 
> hard to assert there are no backdoors in proprietary software.
> The argument, when stretched, eventually leads to: Unless you are a skilled 
> cryptographer, and can audit/inspect/write your own code, you should not be 
> using crypto because it is dangerous and you will invariably screw up 
> somewhere. While this is true in a few cases, and it should not be taken 
> lightly, it leaves something to be desired for the rest of us.
> In my professional life, I have yet to see somebody who is not a geek, or has 
> received training, use PGP or encrypt data strongly. The process is complex, 
> and it is easier to screw up than use properly. In addition to that, "normal" 
> people when faced with the choice between security and convenience, will 
> invariably pick the second.
> Businesses start recognising that they over-share, and some even become 
> reluctant to use cloud services, because of various reasons, be it policy, 
> fear or cross-border legislation. What we try to do, is bridge the gap, and 
> provide a familiar and convenient interface sacrificing in the way as little 
> security as possible.
> Again, that does not make Crypho the tool of choice if you are an activist, 
> risking your life. Between the activist and John Doe the lawyer who wants to 
> share a contract with his client without storing it plain in the US, there is 
> a big gap. We hope that Crypho will cater well for the second case.
> -- 
> Yiorgis Gozadinos
> --
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