I agree with what you say about Hong Kong

He does say he would like to end up in Iceland

Wonder why he did not go there in the first place

Such an immensely brave and honest person


At 06:04 PM 6/9/2013, you wrote:
On 06/09/2013 04:43 PM, Matt Johnson wrote:
> I have to say going to Hong Kong for free speech and safety seems like
> a very odd choice to me. What was he thinking?

Actually, and I think this is pointed out in either the video or an
article somewhere, Hong Kong doesn't generally suffer the speech
restrictions mainland China does. Sure, they aren't completely free but
protests and unpopular political speech happen quite frequently and are
generally well tolerated by the government.

Still, I have to wonder why he didn't go somewhere like Iceland. To me,
that would have been a no-brainer.


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