On 2013-06-24, at 6:23 PM, Griffin Boyce <griffinbo...@gmail.com> wrote:

>   Not only am I going to be presenting three talks at OHM, I will be 
> presenting talks that are (in many ways) totally dead conversations in the 
> US.  
>   It's interesting how much of the debate centers around the presence of 
> police at OHM, as if American hacker cons didn't have the head of the NSA 
> presenting keynotes. Or congratulating a child for doing things an adult 
> could be prosecuted for.  I find it really hard to pass judgement on OHM 
> organizers when our own ecosystem is so unbelievably toxic.

Hear hear, Griffin.
Also, Micah made some good points.

Adding on what Griffin and Micah have saidI think OHM is an opportunity for 
those discussions to happen between legitimate people at a legitimate and 
exciting event. I myself am presenting a talk and a workshop at OHM and 

If you want to focus your ire on something, go take a look at how DEFCON and 
BlackHat are inviting NSA Director Keith Alexander to give the keynote!


>   I guess it's different when the cops are Dutch.
> ~Griffin
> -- 
> Just another hacker in the City of Spies.
> #Foucault / PGP: 0xAE792C97 / OTR: sa...@jabber.ccc.de
> My posts, while frequently amusing, are not representative of the thoughts of 
> my employer. --
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