On 2013-07-08, at 12:13 PM, Ralph Holz <h...@net.in.tum.de> wrote:

> Hi Tom,
>> If you think this bug could never happen to you or your favorite pet
>> project; if you think there's nothing you can learn from this incident
>> - you haven't thought hard enough about ways it could have been
>> prevented, and thus how you can prevent bugs in your own codebase.
> Amen to that.
> Thanks for the write-up; it was my feeling, too, that too many people
> have been uttering very sharp criticism in this particular case, and
> that wasn't helping anyone.
> There are projects that don't get nearly as much coverage but have a
> very poor security record. I personally know programmers with a hell of
> a global reputation whose code contained bugs found by peers. We should
> keep things in perspective.

Thanks a lot for this kind call for perspective.

The fact remains that we messed up. But I'm sticking to the project and I am 
certain that we will mess up less and less, and evolve. It took exemplary 
projects like Tor and PGP ten+ years to reach the reputable status they're in 
today (where, mind you, critical bugs still happen!) — it may take us even 
longer. But the goals are too important to give up. We're in a situation where 
accessibility has failed to evolve precisely because you're largely barren from 
taking risks. A license to take risks isn't a license to keep messing up, but 
it's still necessary to investigate real problems to which we haven't been able 
to find solutions as a community so far.

If a bug like this happens again in the future, I will follow the same 
procedure of complete transparency and hold myself fully accountable for it. 
All the same, I am redoubling my efforts to bring in more cryptographers and 
auditors to Cryptocat — this is what I just spent my weekend in Germany doing.

But quite frankly, for now, I really think I need a small vacation. :-p


> Ralph
> -- 
> Ralph Holz
> I8 - Network Architectures and Services
> Technische Universität München
> http://www.net.in.tum.de/de/mitarbeiter/holz/
> Phone +
> PGP: A805 D19C E23E 6BBB E0C4  86DC 520E 0C83 69B0 03EF
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