On 2013-08-09, at 1:24 PM, Nick <liberationt...@njw.me.uk> wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 09, 2013 at 11:26:21AM +0300, Nadim Kobeissi wrote:
>> On 2013-08-08, at 11:53 PM, Mike Perry <mikepe...@torproject.org> wrote:
>>> It is profoundly encouraging to see that people of such courage and
>>> integrity as the Lavabit staff exist, and are willing to put everything
>>> on the line to stand up against this madness.
>> +1.
>> For what it's worth, and even though I think it's pretty unlikely that 
>> Cryptocat will receive such an order, I've posted a pledge on our Twitter 
>> feed:
>> https://twitter.com/cryptocatapp/status/365733575351480321
> Would implementing some sort of build assurance thing like Tor have
> done recently help here? So if the government said "please put a
> back door for us", you could legitimately say "sorry, not possible
> without people noticing". That's an even better option than
> "crypto.cat is now closed, you may like to complain to the US
> government about that."

Yup, Cryptocat has had build assurance for quite some time. "Sorry, not 
possible to backdoor without people noticing" is still a valid line of defence 
and has been one for a while.

But I guess it was still worth it to tweet that in the event that even that 
line of defence is somehow circumvented, in the (unlikely, I know) circumstance 
that we get some sort of legal order that's definitely beyond our capacity to 
swerve around, then yeah, Cryptocat would rather cease development. It's just a 
simple extra assurance.


> Note that I haven't yet had a chance to read about the verified build
> stuff in any detail, and I'm not sure how easy it would be to verify
> such a build against what's on one of the browser extension / addon
> stores. So maybe I'm talking nonsense ;)
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