On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 7:17 PM, Steve Weis <stevew...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Maxim. As another data point, the site works in the US via T-Mobile 4G.
> However, I get a certificate warning on your forum link.

Yes, it's due to a CNAME — I would need to pay to Zoho to add
forum.dee.su to the list of alternative names to disable the warning.
It's harmless otherwise.

> Maxim, do you any evidence that there is intentional censorship due to site
> content?

I doubt very much it's due to my site — it's a free hosting, and there
is probably some malware on one of the virtual hosts on one of the IPs
in the block.

> Before jumping to conclusions, I would first look for abuse originating from
> your servers. If they were compromised and being used to attack others, it's
> reasonable for a service provider to block them.

These are not dedicated servers, at least where my site is hosted. In
any case, you are saying “reasonable”, as if it's normal to block IPs
on ISP side in the USA. I didn't know it's normal, but times might
have changed.

Maxim Kammerer
Liberté Linux: http://dee.su/liberte
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