Dear friends,

Hope this finds you well.

Sorry for any cross-posting.

I'm writing to ask for your help in supporting a call for the immediate
release of 9 bloggers and human rights
members of the Ethiopian Zone 9 blogging collective, arrested in Addis
Ababa on April 25, 2014. Their crime? Blogging to foster civic engagement
and critical commentary about social and political issues in their country.

What you can do is take a picture of yourself with a message in support of
the "ZoneNiners" including this short message to the Ethiopian government:
Blogging Is Not A Crime!

Submit your picture on this Tumblr <> and make
sure to add your name and, if possible, country in the message or in the
caption area. Ask a friend to do the same - spread the word.

Sorry for the short notice, but we are a bit short on time as we try to
collect as many pictures as possible before tomorrow Saturday, the World's
Press Freedom Day, when we will be issuing a formal statement.

Thank you in advance for your support.



Hisham Almiraat

advocacy director, Global Voices Online | @advox <> |

skype: hisham_almiraat


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