Hey all,

So lately I've been obsessively working on a project to get software into people's hands and make it easy for them to see whether it's been tampered with in-transit.

Code: https://github.com/glamrock/satori (download the zip)
App: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/satori/oncomejlklhkbffpdhpmhldlfambmjlf

Satori has a sha256 hash generator built-in, and the checksums for each piece of software are baked into the app itself. I'm considering distributing GPG keys and software signatures as well, which would require building in a *guide* as well since even most GPG users don't know how to check software signatures.

In any case, it seems useful and complete enough to get feedback from the liberation tech community. =) I'd love any feedback or ideas of what software to include. Critical feedback is especially welcome (even off-list). Also open to ideas about how I'm screwing this all up or am failing to account for Threat Model X. ;-) People seem to like it, but the app is far from perfect. The feedback I've gotten from LibTech in the past has been *extremely* useful, and really looking forward to hearing what you all think.

To test (requires Chrome):
1) go to chrome://extensions
2) check the Developer Mode checkbox
3) click Load Unpacked Extension
4) select the Satori/chrome folder

This will add it as a packaged app, and you can open the app by clicking its icon in chrome://apps/

thanks in advance,

* If you just want a big version of the background to stare at:
http://glamrock.github.io/polygon_test.html  *_*

Such space. Many polygons. Very bokeh. Wow.
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