Dear Community on Liberation Technology,

Please let me kindly ask for your attention on :

A Toolset for Usable Security with ICT Service Networks 

This research-in-progress is joint work with Dr. Kazuo TAKARAGI (Deputy 
Director, Information Technology Research Institute, National Institute of 
Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan, <> ) 

Please find below the abstract.

The poster with contact details is available

Thank you very much in advance for your consideration.

Sincerely yours,
Sven Wohlgemuth


At IWSEC 2016 in Tokyo ( 
<>), we have presented a Toolset for Usable Security 
especially beneficial for the secondary use of personal information.
Thanks to the audience for the valuable feedback.

At Great Hanshin Earthquake occurred in Kansai area, Japan in 1995, it was 
shown that the sharing of personal information was very important in order to 
maintain health and property of people who were affected by the disaster. 

Those were biometric authentication information, medical records, passbook, and 
so on.

Similar problems have occurred at the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 and 
the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake.

Conventionally and presumably in future, when the secondary use of personal 
information should be carried out, this data controller usually plays an 
important role. 

For example, it is a government. 
It approves an access to that secondary use of personal information with a 
limited condition.

Usually from this point of time, the owner of the personal information loses 
control over his or her information. It may be against the regulation or 
compliance, so the data controller is usually reluctant to give permission.

One of the basic ideas for solving the problem is to provide a sufficient 
judgment material information to the data controller in a timely manner by 
which the data controller can properly give a permission for the secondary use 
of the personal information.

Ideally in order for the perfect judgement for the data controller, it is 
desirable to give all the states of artifacts, natural products, all the memory 
of the computer, the human condition and so on. In general, it is not possible.

The first idea is that some part of personal information is anonymized and 
sometimes subjected to a treatment with artificial intelligence, then sent to 
the data controller. 

Some privacy enhancing techniques are used in the process.
Thus, it will enable a fast and rational judgement by the data controller.

The second basic idea is to provide a means that the user does not lose control 
on his own data even after the secondary use of personal information has been 
carried out.

For this, it is important to let the user know the data provenance.

We are developing a mechanism using block chain where people can obtain the 
provenance of anonymous data without central authority.

Furthermore, by referring to the block chain as open data, we get an effect of 
being able to obtain the transparency and compliance through the process.

Currently, we are developing a set of tools necessary in order to realize these 
ideas. We aim to lead it to an implementation in a real society through a proof 
of concept in future.

That’s it. 
Thank you very much. 

==== END ABSTRACT ====

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