On Sun, Feb 05, 2017 at 12:17:49PM -0800, Yosem Companys wrote:
> Can anyone think of decentralized business models that are profitable so
> folks on this list who are struggling with pitching decentralization as a
> business model can succeed?

The centralized business model of Silicon Valley poses a threat to the
national sovereignty of many nations around the world. [0] To own a 
nation's data is to own that nation.

Pitching decentralized solutions to foreign governments--who grow weary
of the yoke of American empire--seems worth exploring.

Riding a tide of anti-Americanism in the Trump area may yield global
benefits in the form of truly decentralized solutions.


[0] https://medium.com/@toholdaquill/plunder-it-s-a-thing-b449485812bc
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