Help us bridge the "Digital Divide" by supporting our campaign as
    part of DuckDuckGo's $500,000 Privacy Challenge

We at The Calyx Institute are super excited and very honored to have
been chosen to be one of the contestants in DuckDuckGo's $500,000
Privacy Challenge fundraiser. Your help is essential to meeting this
goal. The team that raises the most money gets $50,000 .. second place
$40,000, all the way down to sixteenth place gets $3,000 .. and there
are weekly bonus challenges for orgs to win another $247,000.

Our fundraising campaign is all about the Digital Divide - our goal for
this fundraiser is to raise $100,000 so we can send *100 4G modems with
unlimited data plans to public libraries in Puerto Rico*, and to *fund
CryptoHarlem for the next year*. If we can raise more than that number
then we can send more modems to Puerto Rico! According to our research
there are 66 public libraries in 43 cities and towns in Puerto Rico.
Please help us to help underserved communities in Puerto Rico get online
and to help CryptoHarlem continue its important work.

The Calyx Institute recently became the sponsor of the monthly security
clinic CryptoHarlem
<>. CryptoHarlem is
a Digital Surveillance Clinic that has been meeting on a monthly basis
since 2013 in the Harlem neighborhood of New York City. It is always
open to the public and completely free of charge.

Please give your support ( or join the team to recruit other supporters
) at



 Nicholas Merrill
 Executive Director
 The Calyx Institute
 254 36th Street
 Brooklyn, NY 11232

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