At 08:10 PM 6/29/2008, you wrote:

Believe it or not, I was actually thinking about something along the lines of some of what what you say below. It seems that all the things that have gone wrong are tied up and tangled up together. As if it were some big bunch of tangled and knotted ropes, with a bunch of branches thrown into the mix for good measure. And the few things that aren't broken are just on the verge of being sucked into the mess. I can't help but think that if one could pull right metaphorical string, the whole thing would unravel and straighten back up. But which string is the right one to pull? That is the question of the century.


Well...You have the tangled mess part right. But rather than straighten up, I suspect what would happen is that the entire system of illusions and delusions would come crashing
down, and in the resulting power vacuum, all manner of unpleasant things would
happen. Bottom line, power will out. No matter *what* has to be done to maintain it. Look at what happened in the War to prevent Southern Independence. 620,000 plus of our people died. Estimates of the next cycle are in the millions. All for what?
So that the Few can continue to Rule the Many(and their lives and resources).
                                                             Tu Ne Cede Malis 

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