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On Tuesday 24 August 2010, Jim was heard to say:
> Dear Curt,
> > I found it interesting, when your name came up, that the
> > impression you had given was one of initiating violence, not
> > violence in defense.
> Ian Freeman is a liar.  I'm not the first person he has told lies
> about to justify his childish behaviour.

I never spoke to Ian.

> Perhaps if you cared, which I suspect you don't, you would ask to
> see the actual words written by me, in the context of the original
> thread, about a pig and a judge bashing one of the activists in
> Keene and then putting him in a cage.

Please look over this sentence. What have I ever said, or done, to 
earn such anger from you?

"which I suspect you don't"

Imagine, for a moment, that I was merely reporting what had been said. 
Since I not only payed attention, but actively remember the 
discussion, what words did I use that gave you such a bitter taste in 
your mouth that you accuse me of not caring?

> Ask yourself how what I 
> wrote had to do with initiating violence.

If you came into it with the nastiness with which you're greeting my 
scepticism of THEIR opinion, then I could understand how you wouldn't 
have to explicitly do it.

> I was told what I was told.  I believe Ian Freeman is a liar and a
> hypocrite.  I won't have anything to do with him.

Fair enough.

> > As usual, virulent disagreements amongst Libs end up being
> > because of misunderstanding.
> No, not at all.  This disagreement arose because people in the Free
> Keene movement are suspicious, arrogant, and false.
> Don't come to me with your analysis after the fact.  I don't give a
> shit.
> Regards,
> Jim

Well, ok, never let it be said I don't know when I've tripped over 
someone's 3rd rail.


- -- 
Those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end,
for they do so with the approval of their consciences.
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