Oh goodness, look at that:
> Of course, all true Pacifists are by default Libertarians.
>  But only a (one hopes) tiny faction.

Gosh, that was STATED CLEARLY.  And written on August 8, 2010.

--- In LibertarianEnterprise@yahoogroups.com, "Zack Bass" <zak...@...> wrote:
> --- In LibertarianEnterprise@yahoogroups.com, Wraith <wraith@> wrote:
> >
> > At 03:47 AM 8/8/2010, you wrote:
> > >
> > >Sounds like PACIFISTS, not libertarians:
> > >"... a movement that rejects the use of violence or coercion"
> > ><http://www.libertopia.org/home/>http://www.libertopia.org/home/
> > 
> > Since Le Neil is involved, I doubt they are pacifists... ^^   I doubt 
> > that many of us actually like violence. But its unfortunately 
> > necessary in some cases of initiation.
> >
> Has nothing to do with LIKING violence or not liking it.  It says these folks 
> REJECT violence.
> Of course, all true Pacifists are by default Libertarians.  But only a (one 
> hopes) tiny faction.
> Violence is never NECESSARY.  One can always, in true Pacifist fashion, allow 
> the rapist full access to oneself and one's wives.
> The problem arises with the faux Pacifists.  They oppose Violence so 
> assiduously that they propose to punish me (by Force) when I exact Vengeance. 
>  Hypocrisy at its finest.
> A society of 100% Pacifists would be a place I would enjoy (I would be the 
> only non-Pacifist and would do as I please at all times).  A mostly-Pacifist 
> place with fewer than 100% Pacifists would most likely be a hellhole ruled by 
> the first bloodyminded dictator or Church Lady to come across it.

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