On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 01:11:17PM -0800, Raine Fan wrote:
> What make me post here to ask if it's possible to you (libevent
> staff) to share what it's coming (features and
> theorical-release-date) on the next release (dunno if will be called
> 1.5 or 2.0).

The easiest way to see what's been done for 2.0 is to check out svn
trunk at 

There's a pretty extensive changelog there already, though there's
more stuff planned.

> I've been reading your mailing lists a long time ago and following
> all threads about multithreaded questions like having an acceptor
> thread which delivers fd's to another threads to process
> request. Basically my project design will be based on a pool of
> threads waiting to events on fd's 'listened' on one or more acceptor
> threads. I found this explanation posted on your home page
> (http://monkeymail.org/archives/libevent-users/2007-January/000450.html)
> about multithreaded use of libevent, but pipe() is not the way I
> though in passing messages from one thread to another, even the fd's
> from acceptors to the thread-pool.
> Do you think that in the next release 1.5/2.0 this behavior should
> be well implemented, instead of using libev features any time soon?

_Which_ behavior exactly?  I can't tell for sure from your write-up
what feature it is that you want.  Are you talking about the libev "
   - fast intra-thread communication between multiple
     event loops (with optional fast linux eventfd backend).
" thing?  Looking at the source, it seems that it does use "pipe" 
everywhere except on Linux.  Is it the _abstraction_ here that you had
in mind; the ability to wake up a looping event base from another
thread in a safe, generic, and platform-optimized way?  Something like
that would indeed be cool for 2.0.

Heck, I think I'll go hack up the basic implementation now.

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