On Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 11:49:41AM +0200, Wojtek Kaniewski wrote:
> Dnia 2012-06-23, sob o godzinie 10:40 +0100, Marcin Owsiany pisze:
> > Niestetyż wygląda na to że na hurdzie nadal się zacina:
> > https://buildd.debian.org/status/fetch.php?pkg=libgadu&arch=hurd-i386&ver=1%3A1.12.0~pre%2Br1298-1&stamp=1340426273
> > Spróbuję wyczaić czy "inactivity" faktycznie znaczy to co podejrzewam.
> Dziwne. Nie wiesz, czy można skądś ściągnąć gotowy obraz systemu dla
> QEMU, VirtualBox albo innego emulatora? Może tak będzie łatwiej?

Odpaliłem to na maszynie hurdowej, i wygląda na to że testy idą szybko,
ale w pewnym momencie jeden z nich (losowy, bo na dwa opalenia zawiesiły się
dwa różne) się zawiesza. Oto stosy z zawieszonego testu 648/648. Mam nadzieję
że pomogą:

(gdb) thread apply all bt full

Thread 3 (Thread 3623.3):
#0  0x011fd7cc in mach_msg_trap () at 
No locals.
#1  0x011fdfc9 in __mach_msg (msg=0x19fed38, option=258, send_size=0, 
rcv_size=40, rcv_name=1555, timeout=1000, notify=0) at msg.c:110
        ret = <optimized out>
#2  0x01204d39 in _hurd_select (nfds=12, pollfds=0x0, readfds=0x19fee5c, 
writefds=0x19fee7c, exceptfds=0x0, timeout=0x19fedfc, sigmask=0x0) at 
        msg = {head = {msgh_bits = 0, msgh_size = 20385780, msgh_remote_port = 
20407300, msgh_local_port = 155656, msgh_seqno = 27258376, msgh_id = 19958121}, 
error = {head = {
              msgh_bits = 0, msgh_size = 20385780, msgh_remote_port = 20407300, 
msgh_local_port = 155656, msgh_seqno = 27258376, msgh_id = 19958121}, err_type 
= {type = {
                msgt_name = 1, msgt_size = 0, msgt_number = 0, msgt_inline = 0, 
msgt_longform = 0, msgt_deallocate = 0, msgt_unused = 0}, word = 1}, err = 0}, 
success = {
            head = {msgh_bits = 0, msgh_size = 20385780, msgh_remote_port = 
20407300, msgh_local_port = 155656, msgh_seqno = 27258376, msgh_id = 19958121}, 
err_type = {type = {
                msgt_name = 1, msgt_size = 0, msgt_number = 0, msgt_inline = 0, 
msgt_longform = 0, msgt_deallocate = 0, msgt_unused = 0}, word = 1}, err = 0, 
result_type = {
              type = {msgt_name = 0, msgt_size = 0, msgt_number = 0, 
msgt_inline = 0, msgt_longform = 0, msgt_deallocate = 0, msgt_unused = 0}, word 
= 0}, result = 27258356}}
        options = <optimized out>
        msgerr = <optimized out>
        i = 352
        portset = 1555
        got = 0
        rfds = {fds_bits = {3840, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}
        wfds = {fds_bits = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}
        xfds = {fds_bits = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}
        firstfd = 8
        lastfd = 11
        to = <optimized out>
        oset = 1554
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "_hurd_select"
#3  0x012f3f41 in __select (nfds=12, readfds=0x19fee5c, writefds=0x19fee7c, 
exceptfds=0x0, timeout=0x19feeb0) at ../sysdeps/mach/hurd/select.c:47
        ts = {tv_sec = 1, tv_nsec = 0}
        to = 0x160
#4  0x0804ad82 in server (arg=0x15ffaf0) at connect.c:602
        tv = {tv_sec = 1, tv_usec = 0}
        rd = {__fds_bits = {3840, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}
        wr = {__fds_bits = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}
        max = 11
        res = <optimized out>
        port_pipe = <optimized out>
        sfds = {8, 9, 10, 11, 12}
        cfd = -1
        ctype = CLIENT_PROXY
        i = <optimized out>
        buf = "CONNECT HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", '\000' <repeats 4061 
        len = 0
        welcome_packet = "\001\000\000\000\004\000\000\000\001\002\003\004"
        login_ok_packet = "\003\000\000\000\000\000\000"
        hub_reply = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\r\n0 0\r\n"
        hub_ssl_reply = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\r\n0 0\r\n"
        proxy_reply = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\r\n"
        proxy_error = "HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found\r\n\r\n404 Not Found\r\n"
        session = 0x0
#5  0x011d7c80 in entry_point (start_routine=0x804a8c0 <server>, arg=0x15ffaf0) 
at ./pthread/pt-create.c:50
No locals.
#6  0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.

Thread 2 (Thread 3623.2):
#0  0x011fd7cc in mach_msg_trap () at 
No locals.
#1  0x011fdfc9 in __mach_msg (msg=0x17fdf30, option=3, send_size=32, 
rcv_size=4096, rcv_name=237, timeout=0, notify=0) at msg.c:110
        ret = <optimized out>
#2  0x011fe6f9 in __mach_msg_server_timeout (demux=0x120ef00 <msgport_server>, 
max_size=4096, rcv_name=237, option=0, timeout=0) at msgserver.c:151
        request = 0x17fef40
        reply = 0x17fdf30
        mr = <optimized out>
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "__mach_msg_server_timeout"
#3  0x011fe7cb in __mach_msg_server (demux=0x120ef00 <msgport_server>, 
max_size=4096, rcv_name=237) at msgserver.c:196
No locals.
#4  0x0120eecf in _hurd_msgport_receive () at msgportdemux.c:68
No locals.
#5  0x011d7c80 in entry_point (start_routine=0x120ee60 <_hurd_msgport_receive>, 
arg=0x0) at ./pthread/pt-create.c:50
No locals.
#6  0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.

Thread 1 (Thread 3623.1):
#0  0x011fd7cc in mach_msg_trap () at 
No locals.
#1  0x011fdfc9 in __mach_msg (msg=0x15ff978, option=2, send_size=0, 
rcv_size=24, rcv_name=239, timeout=0, notify=0) at msg.c:110
        ret = <optimized out>
#2  0x011db72f in __pthread_block (thread=0x804e370) at 
        msg = {msgh_bits = 240, msgh_size = 23067112, msgh_remote_port = 85056, 
msgh_local_port = 240, msgh_seqno = 18743284, msgh_id = 134538096}
        err = <optimized out>
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "__pthread_block"
#3  0x011dae68 in __pthread_cond_timedwait_internal (abstime=0x0) at 
        __handlers = 0x804e380
        __handler = {handler = 0x15ff9c4, arg = 0x0, next = 0x15ffa20}
        err = <optimized out>
        clock_id = 0
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "__pthread_cond_timedwait_internal"
        cond = 0x805accc
        mutex = 0x805acac
        canceltype = 0
#4  0x011dac0c in __pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x805accc, mutex=0x805acac) at 
No locals.
#5  0x011d82ef in pthread_join (thread=3, status=0x0) at ./pthread/pt-join.c:44
        __handlers = 0x804e380
        __handler = {handler = 0x11d9630 <__pthread_mutex_unlock>, arg = 
0x805acac, next = 0x0}
        err = <optimized out>
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "pthread_join"
#6  0x0804a13c in main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>) at 
        i = <optimized out>
        test_from = 649
        test_to = 648
        exit_code = <optimized out>
        port_pipe = {4, 5}
        t = 3

Marcin Owsiany <mar...@owsiany.pl>              http://marcin.owsiany.pl/
GnuPG: 2048R/02F946FC  35E9 1344 9F77 5F43 13DD  6423 DBF4 80C6 02F9 46FC

"Every program in development at MIT expands until it can read mail."
                                                              -- Unknown
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