--- Comment #154 from Brad Richards <> ---
I have seen this bug off-and-on for years, going way back into OpenOffice days.
However, I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (with LibreOffice,
and the subjective frequency of this problem is *much* higher than before. Just
yesterday I had this problem occur at least a dozen times in the course of the

For what it may be worth: I primarily insert images by taking a screenshot,
editing it in GiMP, copying a region from GiMP, and then pasting this into

One of the developers commented above that this problem seems to be triggered
from various places, and they are hunting these places down. May I just note:
When a problem is so recalcitrant that it cannot be fixed over the course of
several years, then something is fundamentally broken. Please consider throwing
away the existing image-handling code and re-designing it from scratch.

As others have pointed out, this is a <i>disastrous</i> error. This flaw alone
has cost users uncounted thousands of hours of lost work. This flaw alone is
reason for companies to avoid adopting LibreOffice.

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