--- Comment #24 from Andy <> ---
Dear Stuart,
I can easily agree that I - as generally everybody - could do more to be
involved in LO development. And I was not implying that I was the only
volunteer dealing with paid professionals, of course.
However, I must say that I would find it impossible, at least at the moment, to
find more time to spare to do this. 
As a academic dealing with statistics and data management, I teach all my
courses with LO software; make all exams with it; have pressed and succeeded in
having it installed everywhere in PC labs and classroom all over the 3000
students Campus, so that all users - teachers and students alike - have always
the option to choose it; I advice and counsel anybody interested in LO on any
issue regarding it and ts adoption.

Doing this is not without costs, since promoting LO and especially Calc in such
a strong and pervasive way, requires a substantial effort - consider that every
time an update is applied, I have to check if any problem has surfaced that
affects the work I am doing in various courses, and I must do it quickly and
thoroughly, both to report the bug ASAP, and to try and find some workaround
that is simple and does not cause students to protest it is too complicated or

Sometimes this process turns out to be a big stress test!
This fall, for example, the equation editor was missing all lowercase greek
letters: you can imagine how difficult this was for us. Or just a couple of
weeks later, we had to deal with a significant change in the way the user has
to interact with matrix formulas, again something that I use everyday in
classrooms, which was undocumented and quite dubious in its rationale.
Right now I have two other critical (for the work we do) Calc bugs that I have
to live with in classes everyday, still to be solved: copy and paste of matrix
formulas in multiple cells does not work anymore; and formula input cells
visualization that has partially disappeared, when the same cell is involved
more than once in a formula,
Sorry for not being able to do more, but that's it..... thanks anyway

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