--- Comment #3 from russell <> ---
Created attachment 144092
4 screen captures of Font Name drop-down

Please see the attached image.

I did one more test.  I moved my Libreoffice profile to a backup name and
restarted Libreoffice with a new profile.  On linux the profile is kept:

I had to make three initial changes:
- Tools > Options > Libreoffice > View > Icon style: Elementary (Old: Breeze)
- View > Toolbars > Text Formatting (On)
- View > Toolbars > Drawing (Off)

When I clicked on the Font Name drop-down box, the font showed as
"Linux Libertine Display G".  This was a different result.

However, since this was a new profile, there were no known font.   

So I closed Impress and opened up Writer. I created two lines. The first line 
was formatted with Bitstream Vera Sans, the second Arial, and then I saved the 
document.  I really didn't care what the fonts were, I just wanted some known
fonts. When you do this Libreoffice puts these fonts at the top of the font 
list, separated from the entire list by a vertical bar.

Now I reopened the Lively_AlphabetonlyFirely.odp file and repeated the test.
The results were as originally reported.  The Font Name drop-down box shows
"Linux Libertine Display G", but when you expand it, it did not.

The 2-character copy issue worked the same in all tests.

NOTE: When I moved my original profile back, all the recently used documents
were gone. I had to restore the user directory from a system backup.

cd $HOME/.config/libreoffice/4
mv user
# Do libreoffice test
mv user
# Recently used files gone

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