
Robinson Tryon wrote (01-07-13 16:35)

Could you provide links to some of the bugs that you think should be
handled as user questions first?

I do see a lot regularly. If you don't, you see different bugs :)
You can query on bugs that I commented on e.g. the last month (c...@nouenoff.nl)

I'm still hearing from users who say that bug reporting is too
difficult. The step of registration alone is enough to have some
people shy away from the process, especially if the bug is only a
minor inconvenience.

I'm not convinced by that.

But perhaps we are getting spam in Bugzilla.

Not that I noticed.

Filtering a bugtracker manually through an email list sounds like a
lot of work to me.

Maybe, I'm not sure.
But of course it wouldn't be a big gain. Only keep bugzilla cleaner ;)

As the QA Team is currently so small, my understanding is that we want
to optimize our time by working directly in Bugzilla.

Would be ideal yes.

 - Cor Nouws
 - http://nl.libreoffice.org
 - The Document Foundation Membership Committee Member
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