* Present:
        + Christian, Lionel, Eike, Jan-Marek, Sophie, Stephan, Muthu, Norbert,
          Michael M, JanI, Kendy, Miklos, Jacobo, Michael S, Robinson, 
Thorsten, Andras
* Completed Actions / Items:
    + file easy-hack to fix the UI issues with code ptrs (Thorsten)
        [ https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=96563
          NPAPI died meanwhile. ]
    + send Ashod commit-access / introduction mail (Michael)
    + check esc-bug-stats.pl wrt. bibisect (Robinson)
        [ checking to push ]
    + book FOSDEM conf. room for board meeting (Florian)
        [ apparently done (Thorsten) one large room (15-20 people) for two 
days, feb 1 10-18 feb 2 10-14 ]
* Pending Action Items:
    + double-check libmar/src, update/src, remove the duplicate, etc. (Kendy)
        [ an exec. linking both gtk2 and gtk3 - fixed that (Michael S)
          duplicate files still there ]
    + UserAgent - move to 1% of users, drop bundled-languages etc. (Michael)
    + try out 'make check' for gerrit / Linux builders (Norbert)
         [ to make it simpler; why not make the Linux debug and not have the 
           gives us more coverage (Miklos)
           much simpler to do (Norbert) ]
    + get callgrind trace of SVG rendering in tdf#82214 (JMux)
         [ need to up-load it ].
* Release Engineering update (Christian)
    + 5.0.5
        + RC1 due week after next
    + 5.1.0 RC2
        + deadline early next week for 5.1.0 RC2 & branch & hard-code-freeze.
        + Late Features:
            + new WEEKNUM_OOO spreadsheet function to solve tdf#96198
                [ added already, to be back-compatible with the old weeknum
                  functions, so old docs continue to work. Added it & the
                  name to the resource, but no Fn. Wizard visibility -
                  to prevent usage in new documents (Eike)
                     + Compat always good (JMux) ]
            + OpenGL
                [ done - still minor bug fixing around.
                  Intel HD 3000 - still can't reproduce problems.
                  Enabled by default again ? (Jmux)
                      + yes, on Windows. Linux looking good. ]
            + Slide Transitions: polish
                [ screenshots needed -> release notes,
                  more improvements on the way ].
            + UserAgent display & tweakage
                [ still needs random 1% bits doing ]
    + Android & iOS Remote
        + Cairo dependency fix pushed.
        + need to trigger a new rlease.
        + iOS remote needs re-releasing with new certificate.
    + Release Notes: are they complete:
        + https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleaseNotes/5.1
        => please do fill that out ... check commit logs.
        + https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/UnderTheHood/5.1
            + help also appreciated.
* Documentation (Kendy)
    + over Christmas, Jean updated the introduction to base.
    + Hazel Russman improved several getting started chapters.
* UX Update (Kendy)
    + also having a break.
* Crashtest update (Caolan
    + ? import failures, ? export failures, ??? coverity

* Hackfests (Bjoern)
    + FOSDEM / Beta Co-working (Bjoern)
        + https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Hackfest/FOSDEM2016
        + Many speakers have been notified for FOSDEM dev-room.
            => would want a developer on the committe next year (Michael, 
    + next venues / suggestions
        + Turkey
            + talked to them; lots of enthusiasm & desire for training.
                + mid-March expected.
        + considering another Gran Canaria hack-fest (Thorsten)
            + March next year (?)
                Please remember the easter holidays are in march this year, and 
big in spain
        + Japanese event  (?)
            + 9th January in Osaka 
            + 10th January, hackfest http://libojapan.connpass.com/event/24081/

* Mentoring Update (JanI)
    + working with 5x new-comers
        + 4 active, 3 on IRC.
    + could use help with tdb - and how to set breakpoints.
    + average patch review length: 3 weeks in gerrit - too long.
    + proposal for lowering the gerrit patch queue (update of last discussion):
        A) patches older than 1 month
            A-1) Committers
                 Add a polite ping message, asking if the patch is still work 
in progress.
                 if pinged a month ago and no reaction, abandon patch.
            A-2) Non committers
                 If no gerrit -1 or comment and code looks good, review cleanup 
and merge code.
                 if gerrit -1, add a polite ping message, asking if the patch 
is still work in progress
                 if pinged a month ago and no reaction, abandon patch
        B) new patches from non-committers
                 Check code, and add a comment about the status
                 After 3 days, review cleanup and merge code if no comments in 
    => quicker is better (Michael)
        + this is what we're looking for (Thorsten)
            + some organic learning where the touchy / fragile code is.
    + some code has active maintainers (Miklos)
        + others areas need mentoring.
    + one alternative could be (my preference), I add a list to the ESC agenda 
      + Gerrit patches from non-committers: 64, oldest December 12
         => can we have links to particularly scancdalous / old ones (Michael M)
      + Gerrit patches to be abandoned:
      + Status
         + Working with 5 newcomers at the moment
            trying to get them to use dev, but it will only succeed if the get 
         + Preparing wiki pages with step-by-step overall
            could do with help on how to use gdb for c++ tests (setting 
breakppoing in shared lib)
* l10n Update (Sophie)
    + nothing special; work ongoing.
* Commit Access
* Developer Certification (Stephan/Bjoern/Kendy/Thorsten)
    + punt another week until Bjoern returns.
* Jenkins / CI update (Norbert)
    from:Thu Dec 31 15:03:15 2015
    master linux rel  jobs:167    ok:149 ko:18 fail ratio:10.77% break:3 broken 
    master linux dbg  jobs:166    ok:146 ko:17 fail ratio:10.24% break:3 broken 
    master mac rel    jobs:138    ok:96  ko:42 fail ratio:30.43% break:21 
broken duration:28.45%
    master mac dbg    jobs:153    ok:112 ko:40 fail ratio:26.14% break:20 
broken duration:20.82%
    master win rel    jobs:118    ok:95  ko:22 fail ratio:18.64% break:11 
broken duration:18.91%
    master win dbg    jobs:114    ok:98  ko:15 fail ratio:13.15% break:6 broken 
    master win64 dbg  jobs:111    ok:95  ko:16 fail ratio:14.41% break:8 broken 
    lo-4.4 mac        jobs:0 ok:0 ko:0 fail ratio:0% break:0 broken duration:0%
    gerrit win rel    jobs:242    ok:151 ko:91 fail ratio:37.6%
    gerrit lin rel    jobs:248    ok:227 ko:21 fail ratio:8.46%
    gerrit mac rel    jobs:245    ok:158 ko:87 fail ratio:35.51%
    gerrit all        jobs:242    ok:97  ko:145 fail ratio:59.91%
        + Windows poor.
        + thanks to moggi - should get a lot better.
            + fixed some intermittent tests.
* Easy Hacks:
    + new easy-hacks thanks to: Thorsten Behrens
        + http://bit.ly/1mpGhJx
    + create your own by updating Keywords to eg.
            "easyHack, difficultyBeginner, skillCpp, topicCleanup"
    + create new easy hacks from these proposed ones
      (or remove the Keyword "needsDevEval" if not feasible):
* SVG import filters (Thorsten)
    + proposal: rip out old Thorsten + Fridrich filter.
       + Xisco, Regina and Christina kindly helped.
          + but still not so great at rendering SVGs.
    + Armin's SVGIO seems better for now
       => deprecate in favour of svgio; save 2-3k LOC.
    + still 1-2 gerrit patches there (Michael S)
       + bit of a shame.
    => announce deprecation & removal of it in 5.2 timeframe
AI:    + and CC & thank explicitly those who worked on this. (Thorsten)
* Commit stats (Thorsten)
    + should include Document Liberation into dev. stats.
    => slam dunk.
AI:     + add assertions for these repos (Thorsten)
* QA update (Robinson)
    + UNCONFIRMED at 556 + 35 bugs in UX-advise
    + needAdvice at 79
        + whiteboard querying fix bumped the number.
    + Bugzilla: Migration of Whiteboard tags -> Keywords completed.
        + Standardization: changing have-backtrace, want-backtrace -> 
haveBacktrace, wantBacktrace
            + should make querying easier, with auto-completed fields.
    + Most Pressing Bugs:
        + tdf#95709 - [DISPLAY] Presentation mode renders graphics wrong
        + tdf#96172 - Crash on opening DOCX
            + bibisected; anything futher QA can do?
        + tdf#89034 - OS X: Text not being justified in Persian and other RTL 
            + Common issue -> lots of duplicates
               + Norbert bisecting (?)
        + Mail merge regressions (Bjoern)
            + http://bit.ly/1POJrmp (8 open; 7 open last meeting)
            + having a look (Thorsten, Kendy, Jan-Marek)
        + tdf#96847 - Android viewer crashes on every file (android 4.4.4)
            + Crash.
* QA stats
  + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/page.cgi?id=weekly-bug-summary.html
    +149    -70        (+79 overall)
    many thanks to the top bug squashers:
        Beluga                12
        Julien Nabet           6
        Jean-Baptiste Faure    5
        David Tardon           5
        Michael Meeks          5
        Cor Nouws              5
        Maxim Monastirsky      4
        raal                   3
        Fridrich Strba         2
        V Stuart Foote         2
        Laurent BP             2
        Adolfo Jayme           2
        Alex Thurgood          2
        Miklos Vajna           1
        Harald Koester         1
* Highest-Priority bugs (aka "MABs"):
        5.2: 0/0   -  0%    +0
        5.1: 2/24  -  8%    -2
        5.0: 10/52 - 19%    +0
        4.4: 14/75 - 17%    +1
        4.3: 7/68  - 10%    +0
        4.2: 11/134 - 8%    +1
        4.1: 5/80   - 6%    +0
        4.0: 11/81  - 13%   +1
        old: 40/247 - 16%   +0
* Bibisected bugs open: whiteboard 'bibisected'
  + ???/??? 353/1140 344/1125 343/1116 335/1103 336/1098 332/1088 341/1089
    + http://tdf.io/bibibugs
* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
        + 759(+15) bugs open of 4582(+53) total 40(+1) high prio.
        * ~Component   count net * high severity regressions
                  Calc - 17 (+0)
                Writer - 12 (+2)
           LibreOffice -  5 (-1)
        graphics stack -  1 (-2)
               Impress -  3 (+2)
            Extensions -  1 (+0)
                  Base -  1 (+0)
                + http://bit.ly/1HWHb3E
        * ~Component   count net * all regressions
                Writer - 242 (+3)
                  Calc - 167 (+4)
               Crashes -  57 (+2)
               Impress -  50 (+1)
                    UI -  46 (+1)
           LibreOffice -  46 (+0)
        graphics stack -  31 (-2)
               Borders -  30 (+1)
                  Draw -  27 (+3)
                  Base -  27 (+1)
   filters and storage -  19 (+0)
                 BASIC -  15 (-1)
Printing and PDF export-  12 (+0)
                 Chart -  13 (+2)
        Formula Editor -   6 (+0)
            Linguistic -   3 (+1)
            Extensions -   3 (+0)
          Installation -   2 (+0)
                   sdk -   1 (+0)
             framework -   1 (-1)
                + http://bit.ly/1BUdI8i

 michael.me...@collabora.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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