Hei hei!

I agree with Mirek and think "Autofit" should be removed or optional (with the default being "off"). And I don't think we have to take exporting presentations to PPTX into consideration. The export to Microsoft Office is so bad (yes I know, it's Microsoft's fault!) that text size is the least problem here.

"Autofit" is nice for beginners, but I wouldn't want to end up with a presentation with different text size on each slide! That just looks horribly unprofessional. And fiddling around with content to fit on a slide is _not_ "a massive pain in the backside", it's a part of the job of making a presentation. The presenter has to think about what to present actively! It's the user who has to do the work, not some "LibreOffice magic" ...

From own experience, LibreOffice documents have to be opened in LibreOffice. The export to Microsoft Office does not work for any kind of document and whenever I had to deliver something in Microsoft format, I had to re-format everything or even re-create the document (Calc -> Excel anyone? ;-). When I had to give smaller presentations, I exported my work to PDF. For bigger presentations I had to work with Powerpoint from the very beginning. This is the real world and there is nothing LibreOffice can change about it.

And again, why does LibreOffice have to behave like Microsoft Office? If people don't have the money for Microsoft Office, they should be happy to get a well functioning free Office package! If they have Microsoft Office, but are not satisfied, they obviously want to have something different!

Sorry for being so emotional, I don't want to offend anyone! It's just that I am having a really bad time at work, with my bosses getting angry at me every time they see me using LibreOffice. And whenever one comes to a conference, there is only Microsoft Office ... and if you try to install a portable version of LibreOffice, you are the devil himself! Again, LibreOffice should go its own way and be proud of it! There are so many things that were copied from Microsoft, and they are actually what makes Microsoft Office so annoying! Get rid of "automatic" annoyances and give a damn about interoperability, at least as long as the export to Microsoft formats does not work 110 % well!

Daniel M

On 8.10.2012 11:10, Michael Meeks wrote:

On Sun, 2012-10-07 at 11:07 +0200, Mirek M. wrote:
         I think this autofit feature is very disturbing if you are not
         aware of it. From my point of view it should be removed
         because if what you are writing does not fit in the available
         room, you should write less words or add room (split the text
         on another

        So - this is a nice idea. However - manually doing that is a massive
pain in the backside for the (non expert) slide creator. Of course,
ideally people should not be trying to cram their text onto slides - but
reality suggests they do.

        People tend to manually fiddle / re-word their slides to cram text in -
leaving not a pixel left for another character ;-)

        Then - they save that as .pptx import it on a different machine, with
different fonts and if the lines are re-wrapped - that inevitably pushes
their later bullets off the bottom of the slide, and then they get angry
[ seeing it often only as they present ].

        That IMHO is a -massive- UX drop-off; far worse than some transient
confusion about what font size to show in the toolbar while editing.
Having said that, I'd personally prefer to have some relative font
sizing shown there generally based on the style - but ... I'm mad like
that ;-)

Also, if we have to keep autofit, it should be disabled for an object
if the user overwrites the autofit size using the font size picker.

        Autofit is an interop feature; IMHO we have to keep it - if only to
interoperate with those who turned it on in MS Office.

        IMHO it should also be the default ~everywhere so we improve
interoperability generally - but ... ;-> if it behaves strangely, we
should fix that.



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