Hi Kohei
On 29/07/11 15:59, Kohei Yoshida wrote:
after applying your patch, because, before your change, FillScRange was
called first *then* xModel was assigned an instance, but you got them
flipped in your new code.
aha gottcha

This may not affect anything but I've seen in the past a difference of
night and day just by re-ordering two lines of code,
shouldn't make any difference
  so I have my own
reason to be paranoid. ;-)
this is libreoffice ( and me ) you are dealing with, a powerful combination, enought to induce fear and paranoia into any hero's heart

I hope I'm making sense....

perfect sense. In this case, I don't see it will make any difference, so you can change the order to the way it was or not as you wish ( I have no preference )
thanks again,
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