On 16/11/11 16:08, Tomofumi Yagi wrote:

> I attached a revised patch.

hi Tomofumi,

thank you for your patch; i have pushed it, but not as a fix to the bug
40831  :)

> On 17/11/11 09:27, Cedric Bosdonnat wrote:
>> Hi Michael,
>> On Wed, 2011-11-16 at 16:20 +0100, Michael Stahl wrote:
>>> now i remember: this bug is exactly the one i fixed in OOo in CWS
>>> sw34bf04 (issue i102333).
>>> the fix is not merged in libreoffice-3-4, but is in master
>>> (230fcf4a456636bb466f72834cd57238621d206d),
>>> but LO master still crashes while an Apache OOo 3.4 build does not crash...

alas, while debugging this i noticed that my patch was not correct:
moving the cursor was not always required, but there are 2 ways how
paragraphs can be joined, and it is required for one of them, but not
the other, so removing it was wrong; fixed:


>>> i will investigate what went wrong there; Cedric, any idea what changes
>>> could have broken it again?
>> No, I have no idea what could have broken that again.

the following commit makes the difference between crashing and not
crashing: fe40a2a43d1eaf03b3e2172a3f33d627dba6b633

reason seems to be that the assignment in RestoreSavePos actually
accesses the node by index and crashes, while SwPosition::operator=
calls SwNodeIndex::operato=(SwNodeIndex&) which does not access the node
by index... so that commit was not really wrong, it worked before only
by accident.

>>> i am currently not sure if your patch is the right fix; i would assume
>>> that the cursor that points to the removed node should have been moved
>>> away from it by ... something.

really the problem here is that we cannot store the position as a bunch
of integers or a non-relocatable SwPosition here where nodes may
actually be deleted; we need a cursor that is automatically corrected by

this is fixed by using SwUnoCrsr instead:

>> Well, Tomofumi's patch looks like on more safety check in that couldn't
>> harm. I'ld go for pushing his (second) patch.

indeed, our users would probably appreciate it if writer does not crash
when this kind of problem occurs, so i have pushed Tomofumi's patch to
prevent this from happening:

but then i added assertions to detect the problem, so that this
work-around will not cover it up completely and hopefully developers pay


PS: while debugging this i also fixed a bunch of annoying assertions
from ~SwIndexReg:
Error: There are still indices registered From File
/data/lo/core/sw/source/core/bastyp/index.cxx at Line 262

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