On 2012-06-15 11:19, Michael Meeks wrote:
Wow - so. If we have something like this that can work well (and I can imagine all manner of fun Java/GC integration problems - particulary if we have real Java (with GC) + llvm-java (with GC) + python (with GC) ;-) who owns what signal can become quite exciting).
I can't imagine trying to make this work inside a single process. The only way I'd do it is to run the thing in a separate process and communicate using pipes or local sockets.

Anyhow - if we can get this going, I'd love to do it first with LanguageTool: it's Java-ness is what is blocking us bundling that by default, and it'd be great to solve that before the HSQLDB issues I guess. Any interest in playing with a prototype there ? ATB, Michael.
I'll have a look and report back in a couple of weeks. As is usual, this is more work than I initially thought - that's what happens with end-of-day bright ideas :-)

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