Hi all,

On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 04:55:11PM +0100, Michael Meeks wrote:
>               + send everything to the list to start
>                 with & throttle if needed (Kendy)

this is now in place, the friendly gerritbot:


now has cozy home on the gerrit machine itself. It has a watch on all changes
to the core repo and forwards the changes to the dev-mailinglist (polling its
inbox every 5 minutes). Also I moved the freedesktop to gerrit sync there, its
leaner bandwidth wise, than me having the bot here locally and also more fault
resistant (as my router didnt cope with the heat over the weekend and was down,
so was the sync).

So whenever you do something on gerrit now, the developer mailing-list should 
notified (after 5 minutes max.).


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