Ooops! Sorry guys, wrong week... you have the questions in advance for
next week ;)


On Tue, 2014-06-17 at 08:06 +0200, Cedric Bosdonnat wrote:
> Hi GSoC mentors,
> The mid-term evaluations are just now! So, head to Google Melange and
> submit them before Friday. In case you really can't fill the evaluation
> your self, ask either your co-mentor or one of your beloved admins
> (Fridrich, Thorsten or myself) to do it.
> Below are the questions of the form.
> >      1. How many years have you been a mentor for Google Summer of
> >         Code (Total - this doesn’t have to be consecutive)?
> >         
> >              1. This is my first year
> >                 
> >              2. 2-3 years 
> >                 
> >              3. More than 3 years 
> >                 
> >      2. If you answered “2-3 years” or “more than 3 years” as a
> >         mentor, what years did you participate?
> >         
> >      3. How many years have you been a student in Google Summer of
> >         Code?
> >         
> >              1. I have never been a student
> >                 
> >              2. 1 year
> >                 
> >              3. 2 years
> >                 
> >              4. 3+ years
> >                 
> >      4. If you answered 2 years or 3+ years, what years did you
> >         participate as a student?
> >         
> >      5. At what point did you first make contact with your student? 
> >         
> >              1. Before the program was announced 
> >                 
> >              2. After my organization was selected to participate in
> >                 Google Summer of Code
> >                 
> >              3. During the student application/acceptance phase of the
> >                 program
> >                 
> >              4. During the community bonding period
> >                 
> >              5. After the start of coding 
> >                 
> >      6. How often do you and your student interact? 
> >         
> >              1. Daily 
> >                 
> >              2. Every few days 
> >                 
> >              3. Weekly 
> >                 
> >              4. Every few weeks 
> >                 
> >              5. Monthly 
> >                 
> >              6. Less than once a month
> >                 
> >      7. How do you communicate with your student? (Check all that
> >         apply) 
> >         
> >              1. Google+ Hangout
> >                 
> >              2. Voice (phone, Skype, etc.) 
> >                 
> >              3. IM/IRC 
> >                 
> >              4. Private emails 
> >                 
> >              5. Mailing Lists 
> >                 
> >              6. Student blog updates 
> >                 
> >              7. In-person meeting(s) 
> >                 
> >              8. Other
> >                 
> >      8. Of the communication methods listed above, which do you use
> >         most frequently? 
> >         
> >      9. How much time do you spend on Google Summer of Code per week
> >         (take into consideration your interactions with your student
> >         as well as time working with your org and on your own)?
> >         
> >              1. 1-5 hours 
> >                 
> >              2. 5-10 hours 
> >                 
> >              3. 10-15 hours 
> >                 
> >              4. 15-20 hours 
> >                 
> >              5. More than 20 hours per week
> >                 
> >     10. How many time zones apart from your student are you? 
> >         
> >              1. Less than 3 
> >                 
> >              2. 3-6 
> >                 
> >              3. More than 6 
> >                 
> >     11. How often do you require status updates from your student? 
> >         
> >              1. Daily 
> >                 
> >              2. Every few days 
> >                 
> >              3. Weekly 
> >                 
> >              4. Only when explicitly asked for by me
> >                 
> >     12. Please rate the quality of your interactions and
> >         communications with the student (consider his/her
> >         communication with you as well as your responses). 
> >         
> >              1. Very Good (Student is regularly responsive and the
> >                 quality of communication is high)
> >                 
> >              2. Good (Student is somewhat responsive and the quality
> >                 of communication is okay)
> >                 
> >              3. Bad (Student is only somewhat or not at all responsive
> >                 and the quality of communication is low)
> >                 
> >     13. Please rate the quality of the student’s interactions with
> >         your organization and community. 
> >         
> >              1. Very Good (Student is regularly responsive and the
> >                 quality of communication is high)
> >                 
> >              2. Good (Student is somewhat responsive and the quality
> >                 of communication is okay)
> >                 
> >              3. Bad (Student is only somewhat or not at all responsive
> >                 and the quality of communication is low)
> >                 
> >     14. Is your student on track to complete his/her project? 
> >         
> >              1. The student has already completed his/her project 
> >                 
> >              2. He/she is ahead of schedule 
> >                 
> >              3. He/she is on schedule 
> >                 
> >              4. He/she is behind schedule 
> >                 
> >     15. Please rate the quality of code/work the student has produced
> >         thus far.
> >         
> >              1. Amongst the best people I’ve ever worked with 
> >                 
> >              2. Solid-quality performance 
> >                 
> >              3. Good performance 
> >                 
> >              4. Mediocre performance 
> >                 
> >              5. Disappointing or not performing at all 
> >                 
> >     16. Give an example of a very good or very bad interaction you had
> >         with your student.
> >         
> >     17. Anything else you’d like to tell us or suggestions on how we
> >         could improve the program? 
> >         
> >     18. For the midterm evaluation, should this student pass or fail? 
> >         
> >              1. Pass 
> >                 
> >              2. Fail 
> >                 
> >     19. If you chose “fail” above, please fill in the reason for
> >         failure.
> --
> Cedric
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