Date: Fri, 18 May 2001 12:02:56 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Chien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Iomega Pocket Zip drives

On the same thread of backup devices (also discussed a year or two ago in this
group), here's the alternatives:
1. Flash memory cards. Solid state, no moving parts, more durable.
Also, works with your digicam as a plus.  Coupled with a Zio! reader, you can
take it anywhere easily.
2. Keychain flash memory.  Think above combined together into a very small
thing you can hang off a keychain.
3. Type II/III HDs. easily gets you 1/2GB of storage, and holds far more than
most other storage devices at the max (2GB).
4. IBM Microdrive.  Think Pocket ZIP upgraded to a tiny quarter-sized HD (P.ZIP
is a tiny floppy drive). 1GB easily in the size of a matchbook.
5. Portable CD-RW drive.  Cheapest way to store 650MB, cheapest media,
universal compabibilitiy...

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