Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 10:03:39 +0200
From: Christian Gennerat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Localisation of the hibernation area (IBM 20 G)

I wanted an  hibernation partition with the minimal size on a Libretto 110
1) Create a partition about [8 Gb - 200 Mb ; 8 Gb + 100 Mb],
   then center the partition around the hibernation area
2) Write all zero on it "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda10 bs=1024 count=300000"
3) Run some applications
4) Hibernate the Libretto "apm -s"
5) Restart the Libretto
6) Check with the following shell
dd if=/dev/zero of=zero63 bs=1024 count=63
while [ $cyl -le 88326 ]
xcyl=`printf "%05x" $cyl`
cp -a zero63 cyl
dd if=/dev/hda10 bs=1024 skip=$cyl of=cyl count=63 &>/dev/null
cmp -s zero63 cyl && echo "$xcyl === $cyl"
cmp -s zero63 cyl || echo "$xcyl ###"
let "cyl = $cyl+63"

And the result with IBM-DJSA-220 is the partition defined as:

fdisk -l /dev/hda
Disque /dev/hda : 255 têtes, 63 secteurs, 2432 cylindres
Unités = cylindres sur 16065 * 512 octets
/dev/hda10         1017      1027     88326   a0  Hibernation Thinkpad IBM

The hibernation area is the center portion of the partition:
0x03e80-0x14680 ### 16000-83584 -> 67584 k
The rest of the partition (the first 16000k and the last 2800k)
can be used to store confidential cyphered raw data,
unreadable via ftp, nfs, samba.

The falsely dramatic drives out the truly dull.

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