Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2001 05:56:21
From: "neil barnes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Networking a 70CT

>Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2001 15:26:28 -0500
>From: David VanHorn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Networking a 70CT
>>Only add the protocols you want. Probably NetBEUI and TCP/IP. Remove 
>>and Client for NetWare.
>I run here, with just IP, nothing else, on all my machines. Works fine.
>Dave's Engineering Page:

I worked that way with 95 and 98 on the desktop (the security people tell 
you it's a bad idea, but I'm behind a firewall and Samba needs IP) but with 
w2k pro it's not reliable trying to do disk shares over ip (at least in my 
config). Hell, it's not all that reliable at getting an IP address from the 
dhcp server - one time in three it either crashes and burns trying to 
initialise the card, or it doesn't crash but fails to acquire the IP - and 
won't get it using ipconfig manually. <shrug> I guess microsoft is like 

The disk / printer sharing seems reliable on NetBuie though...


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