Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 15:29:57 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Chien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Networking a 70CT

> For those who asked, when I tried to insert the cardbus PCMCIA card into the
> L70, it went in.  It didn't feel quite right but it wasn't a total mismatch
> either.  Definitely did not require a hammer and visually appeared to be
> properly inserted.  Didn't work worth a darn, though.  Baby didn't even
> recognize a card had been inserted.

  It will never work.  the cardbus PCMCIA is a 32-bit standard, the PCMCIA is a
16-bit stanard.  You are missing 16-bits worth of data connectors and you won't
ever be able to get a cardbus card to work in a 16-bit PCMCIA slot unless the
card itself was designed to work both ways (eg. teh Ricoh 8040 SCSI portable
CD-RW drive card).

  Not even worth trying at all.

  d =)

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