Date: Sun, 07 Oct 2001 08:43:44 +0800
From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIBRETTO] Re:  L-110 Batteries

>What is the size of the individual cells? New industrial NiMH cells 
>made by GPB are available from CPC with tags welded already, 
>from about £1.20 each. Sizes from AAA 44mm x 10mm to D 
>61mm x 34mm. I guess the Libby ones are AA or smaller (50mm x 

I was of the impression the Librettos used LiIon cells which are a different matter 
altogether .... certainly I fail to see how you could get any decent capacity worth of 
NiMH cells into the space of a Libretto pack (at least not the 1.5-odd AH or so of the 
original pack). Of course, you could always do what I'm thinking of and making a 
battery slice, that way you can make say a 4AH NiMH pack and run your libby for 5 or 6 
hours on a charge ;-)

- Raymond

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