Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2002 07:28:50 -0600
Subject: Re: Lib batteries

>What do you think my chances are of using the electronics in the standard
battery to control 6 cells (ie. turn it into an extended battery)?
Alternatively, what are the chances that the electronics in a PA2441U (a
standard pack for the Portege 300) are compatible with the charging
electronics on the Libby? The connector is the same, the size is the same
and both laptops are from the same era ... the only difference is the
connector on the Portege is offset to the left (or right?) by about 1cm so
the pack won't actually slide into the libby (but some dremel work or
replacing the back of the Portege pack with the back of a dead Libby
standard battery will fix that ;-).

I thought about that change, since I have a low capacity batt that I would
like to turn into a high cap one. I believe the low cap has 3 cells in
series while the high cap has 3 pairs of cells in series. Kind of odd, since
I thought that one should not put voltage sources in series. I will study
the wiring closer.

As far as the Portege/Lib conversion, study the wiring closely and the specs
(10.8 V). I believe it would work.

Konrad Szwab, EE
Systems Engineer / Network Administrator
Alcon Houston, (713) 295 4329

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